Can Hybrid Cars Run On Gas Only Hybrid vehicles are blazing the trail for new forms of transportation, but can they run on only gas? Let’s find out.  Hybrids are known as the stepping stone between pure EVs (electrical vehicles) and cars with traditional combustion engines. They’re becoming increasingly popular …

Industries often propagate myths to drive up sales. The most popular one by the petroleum industry is that the gas in your car will freeze if you drive around with less than half a tank full of it.  While this idea may sound absurd, hundreds of thousands of car owners …

The check engine light is a very useful feature because it keeps you on your feet. You’re informed as soon as there is a problem and can react immediately. This often protects your car from long term damage.  However, sometimes the check engine light turns off by itself without you …

There are a lot of myths and legends about changing your car’s transmission fluid. But talk to any mechanic and ask the question ‘can changing transmission fluid be bad,’ and they’ll laugh at how absurd it is. This is because there is no basis for the urban legend. It causes …

The desire to keep your vehicle’s shine is more common than you may think. One of the first questions people ask themselves after buying a car is ‘how often should I wax my car.’ Since wax doesn’t last very long, the shortest answer is, you will have to do it …
Can You Overcharge a Car Battery

In the good old days, you could hit your car with a lump hammer, and it would splutter into life. However, modern cars have very complex electronic systems. It’s easy to damage them if you don’t treat them right. Technicians even plug the vehicle into a computer to run diagnostics …
Can I Use Shampoo to Wash My Car?

Can I Use Shampoo to Wash My Car? Have you run out of car soap? Don’t worry! There is an easy alternative.  You can use hair shampoo to wash your car too. This is a cheap and convenient way to clean your car without having to drive to the shop. …
How Does A Car Starter Work

Have you ever wondered what happens inside the engine of a car to enable the engine to run? Then you have landed on the right page. So how does a car starter work? And what does it do? Our guide below explains how vital this small, intelligent car part is …
Symptoms of Bad Spark Plug Wires

Symptoms of Bad Spark Plug Wires Spark plug wires, also known as ignition cables, are a critical component of a vehicle’s electrical ignition system. They do an excellent job transporting sparks from the vehicle’s ignition system to its engine spark plugs. Because of their critical role, it is most certainly …
Symptoms of Bad Shock Absorbers

Symptoms of Bad Shock Absorbers Automotive shock absorbers do more than contribute to a smooth ride – they ensure quality vehicle handling, extended tire life, and long car suspension life. That said, worn or bad shocks can turn any ride into an uncontrollable, unsafe nightmare. What many drivers need to …
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