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John Leson

John Leson

I like to work on cars in my spare time. I'm not a professional, but I've been tinkering with them since I was a kid. I enjoy fixing things, and I think cars are a fun challenge. Plus, it's a great way to blow off some steam and spend some time with my buddies.

are nakamoto brakes any good

If you own a vehicle, at some point you will have to replace brake pads and rotors. The goal of this post is to help you make an informed decision when choosing brakes for your vehicle. Nakamoto has already become a manufacturer and supplier of high-quality brakes. But are Nakamoto …
how to stop radiator leak with black pepper

If your car’s radiator has small leaks, you can use black pepper to seal those leaks. In this post, we will explain in detail how it works. By learning this small trick, you can fix an annoying issue in an emergency situation. Read on to learn how to stop radiator …
do teslas need oil changes

The main difference between an electric car and an internal combustion-powered car is that the former requires less maintenance. But it is also important to note that low maintenance does not mean no maintenance. Electric car enthusiasts often ask the question: Do Teslas need oil changes? In this post, we …
does missing an oil change void warranty

If you are a car owner, chances are that you have some answered questions about your car’s warranty. The goal of this post is to answer one such question. Does missing an oil change void warranty? Read on to get a clear answer.  It actually depends on service manager and …
Top 10 Facts About Cars For Sale by the Government

In modern America, unless you live in a big city and take public transportation to go everywhere, you need a vehicle to get around, go to work and do all the other chores and activities that modern life demands. While a lot of people go to a local auto dealership …
How To Keep Your Car Battery Charged When Not In Use

Figuring out how to keep car battery charged when not in use can save you a lot of aggravation and inconvenience. Anyone that has ever gotten in their car, turned their key, then heard nothing but silence as a dead battery failed to start a car will tell you just how irritating …
Are Acuras Expensive to Maintain?

The prestige of driving and owning a luxury car is a commonly held desire. The designs and brand may vary, but the effect of showing up to a nice restaurant or a business meeting in a high-end car is undeniable. While the desire for ownership is common, most people believe …
Can I get my BMW oil changed anywhere?

So, you have a BMW. It’s a beautiful car and you want to make sure that you maintain it so that it runs in tip top shape for a long time to come. You know that this means regular, consistent maintenance and catching problems early so that they can be …